
What Do Early Intervention Services Look Like?
Many people don’t consider early intervention unless they have a concern that their child hasn’t started talking or walking yet. However, early intervention services encompass so much more than helping children reach just those milestones.
From cognitive development, to fine and gross motor skills, to nutrition, and even hearing or vision support, the services provided by an early intervention specialist help with a number of areas that are important to your child’s growth.
If you’re a parent new to the idea of early intervention, the more you know about what these services include, the more you can take advantage of the help they provide.
What Services Do Early Interventionists Provide?
An early intervention specialist can help children with speech and physical therapy when talking and walking are delayed, but they can help with other developmental delays and disabilities as well. For instance, if your child has difficulties with social and emotional skills, or adaptive skills like dressing or eating, an early interventionist can work with your child to help them develop, learn, and grow in these areas.
There are different types of early intervention services to address different needs, which is why the first thing an early interventionist does is evaluate your child’s developmental abilities by observing various activities. This helps to determine specific needs so an Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP) can be created with the services that will best benefit your child. Services may include:
- Speech, physical, or occupational therapy
- Nutrition services
- Hearing and/or vision services
- Services to help with motor development, problem-solving skills, communication, interaction with others, toileting, and more
What Can You Expect From Early Intervention Services?
You might be surprised to find out that early interventionists come directly to your home and work with you and your child to develop creative play strategies ideal for your child’s developmental needs. Playing is one of the best ways children learn, grow, and build life skills, which is why early intervention services entail fun activities to help your child overcome obstacles and develop in areas that may be delayed. This all takes place in your home because that’s where children tend to be most comfortable and because it’s helpful for families to learn and benefit from the services as well.
How Can You Take Advantage of Early Intervention Services?
If you’re concerned your child is experiencing developmental delays or having trouble with eating, seeing, or hearing, give the About Play team a call. We’re here to answer any questions you might have, including any concerns about how to prepare for and what to expect from an early intervention evaluation or appointment. We want you to feel confident scheduling early intervention services for your child and are here for you every step of the way. About Play is dedicated to helping children and families succeed!
If you live in South Carolina and think your infant or child is experiencing developmental delays, we can help.
where do we offer early intervention services?
Our services are available for babies, toddlers, and their families in almost every county in South Carolina.
Click on your county to see the early interventionists available.
Tagged early intervention services