
The Importance of Play in Early Childhood Interventions

Children are naturally expected to hit crucial developmental milestones as they develop. This includes significant progress in language and speech, cognitive ability, and motor skills. Unfortunately, not every child grows at the expected pace, and hence developmental interruptions could potentially become a stumbling block.
Luckily, EI programs have become a refuge for families with unique needs. One of the most effective methodologies includes playful learning which in turn has born tangible results. Here is why this approach proves reliable.
  • Enhances a plethora of skills- play is child-centered and for this reason, a lot of life skills are gained along the way. First, language is refined because your child needs to verbalize words and sentences when in action. Their motor skills get a boost as well. All the objects and toys used as accompaniments strategically help with movements and effective handling.
  • Improves social interaction with adults and peers- play consciously targets to better your child’s social behavior and responses. As you can imagine, your child may be required to interact with other kids and therefore learn how to go about it. The same for parents. Frequent communication with your child strengthens your bond and communication.
  • Puts your child at ease- it is during play that kids are at their happiest. The elimination of stressful environments enables them to focus better on learning. It is no wonder, fun and games register tremendous improvement.
  • Sharpens their cognitive ability- take for instance a game of blocks. Important strategies such as planning come into the picture. And to add on, problem-solving. The more your child interacts with these situations, the more their brain develops to handle complex real-life situations.
  • Promotes discoveries- young toddlers especially are not equipped enough to make sense of their natural surroundings. Even with the help of books or child shows this may remain problematic. Pretend play on the other hand allows children to make steady discoveries without pressure. Countless tests, experiments, and tryouts contribute to shaping a more aware mind.

How to Help Your Child Get the Most Out of Play

1. Play Along with Them

Get engaged too by taking a role. It is of little benefit to leave all the work to your coach or EI team. Interact with your little one, facilitate the game, make suggestions, ask questions- there are tons of ways to get on board. It also helps to avail the needed emotional support.

2. Enhance the Task

It is profitable to take play to the next level once your child has mastered the basic roles or flow. Introduce new concepts gradually and see whether they can solve those just as well. It’s okay to chip in case it gets too challenging.

3. Enrich play and let them play on their own

There’s no harm in letting your child play without your help, especially when a group setting is involved. It promotes independent growth. But of course, this does not translate to neglecting the activity altogether. Be on standby and watch.
Play is all young children know how to do. Here at About Play, we understand how effective this strategy can be when applied correctly. Turn around your child’s developmental progress with an experienced EI program. Make a referral with us today!

If you live in South Carolina and think your infant or child is experiencing developmental delays, we can help.

where do we offer early intervention services?

Our services are available for babies, toddlers, and their families in almost every county in South Carolina.

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