A baby’s health — emotional, physical, and mental — can all be positively influenced by infant massage. At birth, touch is one of the most developed senses that allows babies to receive input from the world around them. Stimulating a baby’s sense of touch is a great way to help babies grow and thrive, but it’s also a wonderful way for parents and caregivers to connect with their infants, and gain confidence in caring for their babies.
Parents who are able to incorporate infant massage into their daily routines will provide a positive impact on their baby’s social-emotional development and attachment. Parents will gain a deeper understanding of their baby’s needs and will enjoy playing with their baby.
About Play team is dedicated to providing all the resources that parents and caregivers need to support healthy, strong, happy children. We believe in supporting parents and caregivers in meeting their baby’s needs. That’s why we’re proud to offer infant massage as one of our services and areas of expertise.
We have multiple infant massage-certified team members on staff, the About Play team can show you how baby massages work, and how you can incorporate them into your daily routine with your baby. About Play believes that children learn best from their parents and primary caregivers through daily interactions and play.
Infant massage is a wonderful tool for any parent, but it can be tough to know where to start. How do baby massages work? How can you tell what’s comfortable for your baby?
The best place to start is just connecting with your baby. As a parent, you know how they communicate, and you know when they’re feeling happy or fussy. That said, the idea of starting an infant massage can be daunting if you’re new to the practice.
If you’re looking for help learning how to massage your baby, the About Play team is always here to help. Our infant massage certified staff members can help show you the ropes, and answer any questions you might have about infant massage and its benefits.
To get you started, check out these tips:
Blog Celebrating 10 Years of About Play: A Decade of Making a Difference This year, About Play proudly celebrates 10 years of serving families and children through early