Developmental Milestones for 6-12 Months
Blog The second half of your child’s first year can be just as important as the first. There are certain milestones you’ll want to look
Blog The second half of your child’s first year can be just as important as the first. There are certain milestones you’ll want to look
Blog Multiple research studies have proven that early intervention is crucial for children with autism. While children don’t “outgrow” autism spectrum disorder, early and aggressive
Blog You need only look within one family to see how varied children are when it comes to meeting developmental milestones. One sibling might begin
Blog Sensory play supports everything from cognitive growth, to gross and fine motor skills, to language development and social skills — all while allowing your
Blog Many people don’t consider early intervention unless they have a concern that their child hasn’t started talking or walking yet. However, early intervention services
Blog Playing might seem like it’s all just fun and games, but it’s actually learning in disguise! Certain activities can help your child discover things