
Blog When it comes to childhood development, early intervention specialists are essential players. Interventionists are trained to identify potential developmental delays and offer an array of services

Blog Whether you’re a new or experienced parent, learning how to do infant massage can benefit your baby. Just like adults, infants find soothing massages very relaxing,

Blog Are you noticing your child is having difficulty with everyday tasks like using silverware, dressing themselves, or playing with others? If your child isn’t reaching milestones

Blog BabyNet is South Carolina’s interagency earlyPlay is an essential tool for encouraging your child’s speech and language development. Engaging your child in various intentional activities helps

Blog During the first few years of your child’s life, they’ll grow and develop immensely. Keeping your eye out for significant milestones is key so you can

Blog If your child has a developmental delay, early intervention is the best course of action. You might be wondering, “What is early intervention, and how can

If you live in South Carolina and think your infant or child is experiencing developmental delays, we can help.

where do we offer early intervention services?

Our services are available for babies, toddlers, and their families in almost every county in South Carolina.

Click on your county to see the early interventionists available.